
Curriculum Intent

At The Lowry Academy, we aim to promote languages and believe that learning a foreign language is vital to our students to give them a wider breadth of experience, knowledge and understanding of the world that they would not otherwise receive and provide an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should stimulate students’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the wider world taking them beyond their immediate local area and raising their aspirations. We endeavour to teach new content in a creative and stimulating way to widen students’ knowledge of the culture, history and literature of the new language. We hope that at the end of their language journey, students will have a love of languages that they will want to continue to develop.

Curriculum Overview

Year 7

In Year 7, our curriculum aims at enthusing pupils with a love for the language and to firmly establish its basics (phonics, vocabulary and grammar) in their long-term memories. There is a special emphasis on developing the ability to express and justify opinions and to equip pupils with language learning strategies that will serve them well now and in the future. 

Click here to view Year 7 Curriculum

Year 8

In Year 8, our curriculum aims at developing pupils’ linguistic competencies, extending their knowledge and proficiency in dealing with familiar and less familiar language. There is a special emphasis on developing the ability to narrate in the three tenses (present, past and future) consolidating phonics and increasing vocabulary knowledge, both high frequency transferable items and more specific, topic-base lexical items.

Click here to view Year 8 Curriculum

Year 9

In Year 9, our curriculum aims at inspiring our learners while consolidating and extending their language knowledge, with increasing numbers choosing to continue into GCSE. It includes cultural topics, a wide representation of the Spanish speaking world as well as consolidating practice on phonics, expanding vocabulary knowledge (breadth and depth) and increasing understanding and knowledge of key grammar.

Click here to view Year 9 Curriculum

Year 10

In Year 10, students begin to study for AQA GCSE Spanish. Throughout the course, they will study three themes: identity and culture, local, national & global areas of interest, current & future study and employment. This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course. Students will be assessed throughout the year on the skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Each skill is worth 25% of the overall mark awarded.

Click here to view Year 10 Curriculum

Year 11

In Year 11, students continue to study for AQA GCSE Spanish. Throughout the course, they will study three themes: identity and culture, local, national & global areas of interest, current & future study and employment. This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course. Students will be assessed throughout the year on the skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Each skill is worth 25% of the overall mark awarded.

Click here to view Year 11 Curriculum

Career Pathways

Language skills can be used in almost any career, and particularly in businesses that trade internationally.

Jobs directly related to languages include:

  • Academic researcher
  • Interpreter
  • Political risk analyst
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Translator

Jobs where languages could be useful include:

  • Broadcast journalist
  • Banking and finance
  • Detective
  • Diplomatic service officer
  • Education consultant
  • English as a foreign language teacher
  • International aid/development worker
  • Logistics and distribution manager
  • Marketing executive
  • Patent examiner
  • Private tutor
  • Publishing rights manager
  • Sales executive
  • Tour manager
  • Travel industry
Contact Information

You can contact our members of staff via Ask Lowry (

  • Mrs S Gallagher, Head of Modern Foreign Languages 
  • Miss S Jones, Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
  • Mrs K Hartshorne, Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
  • Miss Nombela Diaz, Modern Foreign Languages Trainee Teacher
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