Religious Education

Curriculum Intent

The purpose of the RE curriculum is for students to know and understand a range of religious and non-religious worldviews and be able to critically engage with those views. Students should gain an appreciation for how these worldviews have impacted the world they live in at a local, national and global level.

Curriculum Overview

Year 7

The aim of Year 7 RE is for students to gain an insight into two of the world’s Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity, then once students have gained an insight into those religions, they can focus on how Jesus Christ has been represented in both of those faiths.

Click here to view Year 7 Curriculum

Year 8

The aim of Year 8 RE is for students to gain an insight into the last of the world’s Abrahamic religions, Islam. Once students have been given an understanding of all the Abrahamic faiths, in Year 7 and 8, they begin to look more deeply at philosophical arguments about the existence of God, using the knowledge they have built up about the different religions to begin to critically evaluate religious beliefs.

Click here to view Year 8 Curriculum

Year 9

The aim of Year 9 RE is to look at more of the philosophical side of religion, looking at ethical arguments towards life and death, but also ideas about equality, both within religion but also more secular arguments. We also aim to ensure students are not given stereotypical views about religion, which is why we study a unit on extremism, and allow students to understand that most religious believers are strongly against extremist views.

Click here to view Year 9 Curriculum

Year 10

At Key Stage 4, students study the Edexcel (Pearson) GCSE in Religious Studies, Specification B. In Year 10, students study Paper 1 – Christianity: Religion and Ethics.

Click here to view Year 10 Curriculum

Year 11

At Key Stage 4, students study the Edexcel (Pearson) GCSE in Religious Studies, Specification B. In Year 11, students study Paper 2 – Islam: Religion, Peace and Conflict.

Click here to view Year 11 Curriculum

Career Pathways
  • Religious Leader
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Freelance Writer
  • Legal Executive
  • Teacher
  • Solicitor
  • Aid Worker
Contact Information

You can contact our members of staff via Ask Lowry (

  • Mr P McKenzie, Head of Religious Education
  • Ms S Ahmed, RE Trainee Teacher

Right to Withdraw

  • Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of religious education. 
  • For any requests to withdraw your child from religious education, please contact the school to arrange a meeting with the PSHE Co-ordinator at
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