
Curriculum Intent

Our intention is to use a broad approach to Art and Design, Textiles and Photography. We aim to provide an interesting, challenging, relevant and accessible curriculum. Students are encouraged to develop their curiosity and creativity in an environment that aims to be visually exciting. Our curriculum is broad - students explore the use of drawing for different purposes, using a variety of methods and media on a variety of scales, and work with a variety of media, including 2D, 3D and textiles. Students also explore the potential for the use of colour, tone, line, pattern and design.

Students will explore relevant images, artefacts and resources relating to a range of art, craft and design. They will also look at topics and themes from the local area, such as the textiles industry in Manchester and Salford or the buildings in the local area as part of an architecture project. They will also learn from the past and from recent times, including European and non-European examples. Students respond to these examples through practical and critical activities that demonstrates their understanding of distinctive styles, genres and traditions.

Curriculum Overview

Year 7

In Art we offer an inclusive curriculum that develops the fundamental skills of the formal elements in the subject, this is colour, shape, line, tone, form, pattern and texture. We ensure that the formal elements are revisited a number of times to imbed their skills in these areas. We aim for students to gain knowledge on the concepts of artist/art movement styles and an understanding of how to interpret these into their own work.

Click here to view Year 7 Curriculum

Year 8

In Year 8 students develop skills from the previous year. The formal elements are still central to all learning and students begin by building on from colour relationships and pattern in Year 7 and applying this to new styles and artists. Students are introduced to more challenging outcomes that lead to a use of a wider variety of techniques and media.

Click here to view Year 8 Curriculum

Year 9

In Year 9, students will have had a good grounding of all the formal elements of colour, line, tone, shape, texture, form and pattern. Students will have experienced a wide range of media and techniques including the use of digital media, clay and textiles. Sequential learning in Year 7 and 8 means that students are set more challenging work in Year 9, this helps them prepare for the rigour of GCSE and sustained working on a theme and individual pieces of work.

Click here to view Year 9 Curriculum

Year 10

At the Lowry Academy, students follow the exam board A.Q.A objectives. This consists of 4 areas of assessment, these are marked wholistically within their coursework. The areas of assessment are as follows: Developing ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding. Refining ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms. Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.

Click here to view Year 10 Curriculum

Year 11

Year 11, includes the conclusion of coursework (Unit 1) and an externally set exam project (Unit 2).

Click here to view Year 11 Curriculum

Career Pathways
  • Animator
  • Architect
  • Art Therapist
  • Fashion Designer
  • Make-up artist
  • Prop maker
  • Tattooist
  • Textile Designer
  • Web Content Manager
  • Visual Merchandiser
Contact Information

You can contact our members of staff via Ask Lowry (

  • Mr J Osman, Head of Creative Arts
  • Ms J Calvert, Teacher of Art & DT
  • Ms L Pavier, Teacher of Art
  • Mrs B Bostock, Art Technician
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