Pastoral Care (PSHE)

Curriculum Intent

Principles and purpose of our PSHE curriculum 

The Lowry Academy intends to provide students with a high-quality PSHE education that prepares students for life in modern Britain.

At Key Stage 3, pupils build on the skills, values, knowledge and understanding they have acquired and developed during the primary phase. PSHE acknowledges and addresses the changes that young people are experiencing, beginning with the transition to secondary school, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. It teaches the skills which will equip them for the opportunities and challenges of life, and allows them to be more confident in addressing the challenges of effective learning and making a full and active contribution to society.

At Key Stage 4, pupils extend and enhance the skills, further explore attitudes and values, and deepen knowledge and understanding acquired during Key Stage 3. PSHE reflects the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others and preparing them to become an active and responsible citizen of modern Britain.

The PSHE curriculum at The Lowry Academy is designed using the PSHE Association Programme of Study as a basis, along with external providers including Votes for Schools, and Life Lessons, supplemented by our knowledge of the needs of The Lowry Academy students. Each year group will look at a range of topics under the overarching themes of :

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World

Students are also taught a range of PSHE character skills. These include:

  • Listening
  • Contributing
  • Debating
  • Empathising
  • Supporting conclusions
  • Question assumptions
  • Show fairness and consideration to others
  • Working with others
  • Explore issues, events or problem
  • Recognising bias

PSHE lessons are also used as a opportunity to further improve the literacy and oracy skills of our students. All PSHE lessons will have an independent task based around reading, writing, or oracy, such as speeches and debates.

Our curriculum is not fixed, but constantly evolving. It is responsive to the needs of our students, and also tackles current issues and challenge that they will face.

Our curriculum progresses to reflect students developing maturity, for example, in Year 7, our students are taught about romantic relationships, and what can constitute health and unhealthy relationships. In Year 8, relationship education progresses to a dedicated lesson on the topic of consent, including the different stages of consent, and what the law says about consent. In Year 9, relationship education progresses further as our students are taught about CSE (child sexual exploitation), including what can constitute CSE, what the warning signs are, and what a to do if you suspect CSE is taking place.

Our curriculum teaches students the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance. British values are taught across KS3 and KS4, in PSHE lessons, but also in other subjects. For example, the History curriculum teaches students the evolving role of Parliament in Britain, and how the fight for Female suffrage was won. Our curriculum also ensures students have the opportunity to develop the social, moral, spiritual, and cultural aspect of themselves.

Our curriculum covers all of the statutory guidance from the Department for Education relating to the teaching of Relationship and Sex Education. This is taught in Spring term 1 and Summer Term 2 during PSHE in Key Stage 3/Key Stage 4.

Curriculum Overview

Year 7

In Year 7 students have the opportunity to examine the world around them and how they fit into it by exploring what is meant by terms such as resilience and aspiration. Students are also taught about the different types of relationships and how to recognise safe relationships. Year 7 students are also taught about their health and wellbeing, including both physical and mental health.

Click here to view Year 7 Curriculum

Year 8

In Year 8 students build on the knowledge and skills from Year 7, and have the opportunity to learn about financial education, including budgeting and saving. Health and Wellbeing again covered physical health, including the consequences of smoking and vaping, along mental wellbeing, including self-awareness and mindfulness. Students also progress in the relationship theme by exploring consent, contraception and STIs.

Click here to view Year 8 Curriculum

Year 9

In Year 9 students build on the knowledge skills learn in Year 7 and 8. Students have opportunity to explore the impact of knife crime and how the criminal justice system works. Students will also learn about the diversity and the LGBTQ+ community, along with an exploration of how human rights are abused and should be respected around the world.

Click here to view Year 9 Curriculum

Year 10

In Year 10 students build on the knowledge and skills learnt in Year 7, 8 and 9. Students have opportunity to explore how the criminal justice system works by looking at the impact of money laundering and country lines. Students will also learn about the impact that forced and arranged marriages can have on victims when studying relationships. Students also explore the impact that suicide and bereavement can have on mental health and wellbeing.

Click here to view Year 10 Curriculum

Year 11

In Year 11 students consolidate the knowledge and skills learnt in Year 7, 8, 9 and 10. Students have opportunity to reflect on the core values, rights, and responsibilities that they have studied and will master the application of these skills to prepare them from life after The Lowry Academy in modern Britain.

Click here to view Year 11 Curriculum

Career Pathways
  • Social Worker
  • Solicitor
  • Public Affairs Consultant
  • Careers Adviser
  • Social Researcher
Contact Information

You can contact our members of staff Ask Lowry (

  • Mr D Hargreaves, Head of Humanities
  • Mr N Fox, Teacher of History and PSHE co-ordinator
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