EAL (English as an Additional Language)

Diversity - One School, Many Cultures

We come from all over the world!

The EAL Department is an important and valued department at The Lowry Academy that takes care of students for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL). 

Within our school, we have a rich multicultural diversity, we currently have over 230 EAL enrolled students who, together, have over 40 different nations of origin:

The Lowry Academy EAL Countries

Most of our EAL students speak Arabic, Polish and Portuguese. Additionally, there are numerous students speaking Kurdish, Ukrainian, Amharic, Urdu, French, Spanish, Italian and Farsi. Together, we have over 50 different languages being spoken at The Lowry Academy!

Celebrating Diversity

In the EAL Department, we promote and celebrate different cultures throughout the year marking all world event days such as Refugee Week, Black History Month, European Day of Languages (EDL) and World Language Days with assemblies and related activities. The EAL Hub is always open providing a friendly pastoral base during breaks and lunchtimes where students can meet, socialise or simply have a quiet space or reading time in our book corner.

"Share our similarities, celebrate our differences." - M. Scott Peck

"We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Academic Support

For our International Arrivals who are new to the English language, we offer a full language assessment and then 1-1/small group weekly intervention classes with our EAL specialist tutors. This is complemented by a range of support at all levels for all EAL learners including in-class support and afterschool clubs for homework and course catch up.

At The Lowry Academy, we use The Bell Foundation's award-winning EAL Assessment Framework for Secondary Schools which can be compared to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) - an international standard for describing language ability.

English Levels


Needs a considerable amount of EAL support

  • 2 EAL Interventions daily.
  • A bilingual dictionary provided for a class use.
  • A buddy in a class (same language if possible/good role model).
  • Seat at front.
  • Differentiated sheets where necessary.
  • Supported, differentiated groups (e.g., Maths, Literacy).


Still needs significant support to access curriculum

  • 3 EAL Interventions weekly.
  • A bilingual dictionary provided for a class use.
  • A buddy in a class (same language if possible/good role model).
  • Seat at front.
  • Differentiated sheets where necessary.
  • In class support (where available).


Requires ongoing support to access curriculum fully

  • 2 EAL Interventions weekly.
  • Use of a bilingual dictionary.
  • KS4 – possible P6 subject specific interventions.
  • KS4 – EAL option available.
  • Progress monitoring and dialogue with class teacher to advise individual strategies.
  • In class support (where available).
  • GSCE – English Language Paper 1 &2/Maths preparation.


Some/ocassional support to access curriculum fully

  • EAL Interventions negotiable.
  • Use of a bilingual dictionary.
  • KS4 – possible P6 subject specific interventions.
  • KS4 – EAL option available.
  • Progress monitoring and dialogue with class teacher to advise individual strategies.
  • GSCE – English Language/Maths preparation.

EAL 5-1

Operates without EAL support across curriculum

  • Progress monitoring – liaise with a subject teacher.
  • Liaise with exams officer should any access arrangements need to be put in place (use of bilingual dictionaries).

The Lowry Academy achieves excellence in teaching practice, resulting in positive student outcomes. We arrange appropriate enhancement activities, including carrying out planning, preparing, and delivering sessions. In addition, assessing, marking, and providing feedback as required. What is more, the school efficiently improves all EAL students’ language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) by implementing intensive interventions every week.

Furthermore, each of our students who has need is provided with their own bilingual dictionary to use in lessons plus they are given the opportunity to take a GCSE exam in their home language where these are available once they reach Year 11.​

Pastoral Support

The Lowry Academy is a safe and friendly place for all EAL students.

  • We promote safeguarding and the welfare of children/young people.
  • We ensure and supervise a ‘safe area’ for EAL students, especially those who are International New Arrivals, during breaks and lunchtimes. Thanks to an ‘OPEN DOOR’ policy, the EAL Hub is always open for EAL cohort and their friends (so not exclusive EAL) – as a ‘safe haven’ and a place where they can find friends, have a chat, play some games and eat their meals.
  • We encourage, develop and sustain links with the local community groups, actively promoting the school and the EAL induction programme.
  • We develop and maintain a welcoming learning environment that recognises, values, and enhances cultural and linguistic diversity, promoting an anti-discriminatory ethos.
  • We work with primary feeder schools and FE providers to ensure smooth transitions.
  • We ensure that communications sent on behalf of the school are accessible to EAL parents and stakeholders.
Family Support

At The Lowry Academy we provide a language help for parents who need to learn English as a Foreign Language. We organise ESOL Courses and Free Talk English Learning Cafés for EAL students’ parents. A parent can get considerable help and support from our EAL Department in his/her English language journey. To get more information, please contact our EAL Co-ordinator, Monika Sulowska: monika.ulaszek-sulowska@lowryacademy.org.uk.

Additionally, we place particular importance on good communication links with all student families with access both translators and written translation services. These services support effective meetings with families and written communications to make sure parents and families are included in our school communications.

The Results

The Progress of EAL Students in 2022/2023 has been significant because of our regular EAL Interventions and professional English Tutors who provide EAL students with intensive and effective EAL lessons, daily or weekly. 

Our fantastic results are shown below:

EAL Graph

The tables above show the number of students and the spread of language ability throughout the year groups. Out of all EAL students at school (228), in September 2022 we had 6.5% New to English Students (15 students) and 47% (110) Fluent Students, whereas in May 2023, we have only 1% of New to English Students (3), and 64.5% Fluent Students (147). Lots of students have made an enormous progress due to intensive EAL Interventions and EAL Tuition in the EAL Department. Since September, 6.5% of students with A and B levels, and 18% of students with C level, have been fully supported by EAL and EMTAS, receiving direct input with 1-1/small group interventions and in-class support. The students can progress rapidly from A into B, or C, but may remain there for a longer time as they will have achieved BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills - 2 years), nevertheless, CALPS (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills) can take up to minimum of 5 years and progression to fluency may possibly be achieved later with continuation of further lessons. That is why, we can see a significant progress from A to B, however levels B, C and D may remain the same for a longer period of time.

Student/Parent Testimonials

“EAL Interventions help me a lot at school. Firstly, they improve my English skills and understanding because the teacher shows me things such as tenses, difficult words and sentences. These things improve my communication with other teachers, so I can ask them questions easily. Secondly, I can listen to the teacher more patiently as I can understand more what she says.” - Year 9 Student

“EAL Interventions have helped me learn more English and have a lot of practice in speaking English because before I have never had this chance. EAL teachers help me to study new grammar rules and new words in English which really helps me to communicate with people.” - Year 9 Student

“The EAL Department is really kind and helpful for students who learn English there or for those who just come for breaks and lunchtimes. They’re certainly good at teaching English. I feel great in the EAL Hub.” - Year 10 Student

“The EAL Department is a comfortable place for us to stay. I can meet a lot of friends who come from different countries. I can learn new languages from them, too. I think the EAL Hub makes me feel relaxed. It is because I can talk to my friends, play some board games, or just sit and relax during the breaks.” - Year 8 Student

“I am very satisfied with my English lessons; I am glad that I have such an opportunity to study at The Lowry Academy. My teacher is Mrs M Sulowska. Thank you for the meaningful study, support and kindness.” - EAL Student Parent

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